Empower Your Recruitment Operations


February 5


10:00 - 13:00

Click to Register: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/empower-your-recruitment-operations-tickets-998377904187

RecConnect Events

Website: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/o/recconnect-events-18388567194
How to bulletproof your recruitment business processes so they’re fit for purpose in an evolving industry.

How to bulletproof your recruitment business processes so they’re fit for purpose in an evolving industry – and what you need to do about it.

The speed of tech advances and employee, candidate, and client expeections, means your recruitment business needs a bulletproof operations processes.

Effective business processes streamline operations, improve productivity, and help in delivering value to customers and stakeholders. Strong ops also lead to higher employee satisfactio and long-term company success. But with so much tech, backoffice, finance, and marketing options available, what does good look like?

And how can you prevent yourself hitting your head against a brick wall?!

In this collaborative workshop we’ll be tackling hot topics 90% of recruitment operations said they’d like solutions to. Maybe you have your own topic to bring to the table – join us and together we’ll help empwer your recruitment operations.

Some things we’ll cover:

  • Why operations is the key driver to sales success and how to get buy-in
  • Do you have the right tech for your business and are you maximising ROI?
  • Ensuring your workforce is board with your tech and systems
  • Is your finance process robust enough for your perm, contract, and temp needs?
  • The backoffice is the engine room of a successful business – is yours fir for purpose?
  • Legal knowhow saves time and money but what are the essentials to get right?
  • Is it better to keep your marketing inhouse or outsource to a specialist agency?
  • Preventing distractions and shiny new things that rerail the plan
  • Changing your own and employee’s behaviours to drive an effective business

Confirmed speakers to follow.

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