How to post a job with CV-Library

When recruiting, it’s important to make your job adverts stand out. Ensuring that you take a thorough approach to constructing your vacancy on our site can help massively – especially if you want your jobs to appear in Google’s job search index too.

Check out our top tips for job-posting success and follow our step-by-step guide to enhance the position of your vacancies on job-search listings and attract the right candidates for your role!

Job title

The first step when posting a job is to enter the job title. Make sure you keep it as simple as possible and use terminology that candidates will enter in their job-search criteria. Don’t be tempted to be too creative or ‘different’ to stand out – the truth is that no office manager is going to use the search term ‘Office Ninja’ and your vacancy is likely to be overlooked.

It’s important, instead, to use common words and phrases so your job appears in front of the widest audience.

Reference and job type

To help you organise application responses, the advert’s reference ID will be included in each email notifying you of a new candidate application. This is useful if you’re advertising multiple vacancies at one time. Your reference can be whatever you like, but remember that it’s visible to candidates too.

The job type can be one of the following: permanent, contract, temporary, part-time or apprenticeship. You can select more than one option by holding down the CTRL or ⌘ CMD button on your keyboard.


Use the Primary Industry option to set the industry of the vacancy, rather than the industry of the company. For example, if you’re looking for an Administrator, the Primary Industry should be set to Administration.

You can select up to five additional industries by holding down the CTRL or ⌘ CMD button. You should select the most closely related industries, and can include the industry of the company here if you want to. Selecting additional industries will mean there’s a higher chance of your vacancy appearing on relevant affiliate sites.

CV-Library advertises through a network of online career portals targeted at industry-specific professionals. Your jobs are given comprehensive coverage across a large number of industry sectors. View our Partner Network to see who we advertise vacancies with.


When posting a new job, the location setting will default to Standard. There are several other options:

Region-wide: Your job will be posted in the region you select and will only be found if a candidate searches the specific region or a county within that region. It won’t appear if they search by town or postcode.
Nationwide: Your job will be posted nationwide. It will only be found if a candidate searches ‘UK’ and won’t appear if they search by region, county, town or postcode.
Non UK: Selecting this option allows you to insert a non-UK location.

To reach as many candidates as possible, call your Account Manager on 01252 810995 and upgrade to a Featured Region-wide or Nationwide Job so your vacancy will appear in local searches (e.g. by county, town or postcode).

There’s also the option to enter the precise location. Here, you can enter where the vacancy is based and we’d recommend using the postcode. This ensure the vacancy appears in job searches of the most relevant candidates. You can also enter the town name – this won’t be visible to candidates.

The display location is automatically completed based on what you enter into the Precise Location field. However you can amend this if you’d prefer. This field is displayed to candidates.


It’s best to be as realistic as possible with your salary brackets in the ‘salary from/to’ fields. After all, candidates often base their search on salaries that are relevant to their level of experience.

If the pay is negotiable or hasn’t been decided yet, please enter realistic values and tick Hide Salary. It’s important to be realistic even if you choose to hide the information, as this information will be used to determine whether your vacancy comes up in candidate searches.

The Salary type option means you can choose whether your salary is per annum, per month, per week, per day or per hour.

You can also use the Salary details/benefits section to mention any benefits such as pension, bonuses or healthcare. Please note you can only enter a limited number of characters and if you choose to hide the salary you will also hide salary details/benefits.

Job description

Before you go onto entering the job description, the Start date field enables you to to let people know if you have a specific start date in mind. In addition, the ‘duration’ option is useful if you’re advertising a contract or temporary vacancy and want to state how long it will last.

When writing the job details, remember that candidates often skim through a search when looking for vacancies. Therefore, your advert needs to be clear, concise and well laid out.

If a description is too short or too long, the vacancy will attract fewer candidates. We would recommend a short paragraph to introduce the role, 4-6 bullet points on the role responsibilities and a similar number on what you are looking for in your ideal candidate.

Additional questions

CV-Library gives you the option of including Additional questions so you can put additional filters in place if you would like. When you receive a notification of a new application, you’ll be advised whether the candidate matches this criteria.

You can input up to three additional questions, either by using our list of templates or by individually constructing them yourself. Please note that we will not stop candidates from applying if they do not give your desired answer.

You can delete previously used questions that are manually added to your account if you no longer require them. Be aware that by deleting previously used questions, you’ll remove them for all users of this account.

Recruiter details

Input the name, email address and telephone of the point of contact you would like to receive vacancy applications. Only the contact name and contact email are required fields.

Once you’ve entered your email address, you can use the drop-down menu to choose how many matching CVs you’d like sent directly to your inbox. The results are based on the information you provide.

Template options

We have a number of template options to help you save time in the future. For example, you can save your job as a template for when you wish to post a similar vacancy. Simply tick Save whole job as template to save all of the details entered (including contact info).

In addition, by ticking Save contact details as template you can just save the contact details as a template.

Enter a memorable name for your template so you can identify it in the future. If you do not enter one, our system will choose a suitable name for you.

Review and preview job

If you’d like to review the job after posting, tick the Review job box. You can also preview it by clicking the button at the bottom of the page.

Ready to post a job with CV-Library?

Posting a job on our site can take a matter of minutes! We hope you’ve found the above guide useful – if you need any more help, please contact us on 01252 810995.

The post How to post a job with CV-Library appeared first on Recruitment Insight.



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