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Superchat powers communication between businesses and their customers through their preferred channels — like WhatsApp, Instagram, Facebook Messenger, SMS, Telegram, Email and more. Superchat's all-in-one messaging suite helps businesses to conveniently interact with their leads, customers and teams across every touchpoint.

Product & Service details (what problem does the product solve?):

Primarily, Superchat is used to solve communication integration. One of the primary challenges we tackle is integrating various communication channels (SMS, Whatsapp, voice, chat, email, social media etc.) into a single, unified platform. This makes it easier for businesses to interact with candidates across multiple channels and devices. Secondly, Superchat is used to increase candidate closing by increasing candidate open rates and reply rates. This is done through implementation of messaging workflows for recruiting with a conversion rate of 11%. These messaging workflows are done through GDPR-compliant communication via the Whatsapp channel with applicants.

Contact Information

Point Of Contact Name
Leon or Raphael

Key Info

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Key features and benefits:

Superchat is a cloud communications platform that offers a wide range of services related to SMS, voice, and chat communication. Superchat offers a comprehensive solution to address a multitude of challenges in the realm of recruiting agencies. At its core, this software functions as an integrated and universal inbox, consolidating all your various online communication channels into a singular, user-friendly platform.

This seamless integration eliminates the inconvenience of navigating between disparate online communication platforms, thereby enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of candidate interactions. Furthermore, Superchat introduces a sophisticated automation system for WhatsApp, ensuring full compliance with GDPR regulations. This means that your interactions with candidates via WhatsApp are conducted in a manner that adheres to the strictest data protection standards. Superchat's automation capabilities enable you to effortlessly manage WhatsApp messaging to candidates who have initiated contact, for instance, by clicking a designated link. Moreover, the software offers the invaluable option of sending GDPR-compliant WhatsApp newsletters to your entire candidate pool, empowering you to disseminate crucial information or updates at your discretion.

In summary, Superchat represents an indispensable tool for streamlining online communication, simplifying your interaction with candidates, and facilitating GDPR-compliant messaging, all of which collectively contribute to a more efficient and effective recruitment process.

Who are the product and services aimed at:

Our service is aimed at SMB businesses. The most common industries we work in are recruiting, tourism, automotive , pharmaceuticals, and e-commerce. Within recruiting, we generally work with contingency recruiting companies, but also have some executive recruiting customers. 

Who would use the services? (Recruiters, managers, owners, finance, marketing…?)

The key personas that would use our services in recruiting agencies are recruiters, managers, and marketing.

Does the product integrate with other recruitment products? If so, who?

Yes the product does integrate with other recruitment products. These include any software being used by recruitment agencies which have zapier integration (which includes many offerings). One such way we integrate is through CRM’s that have zapier integration. If a CRM has zapier integration, Whatsapp can be automated so that whenever a new lead comes through the CRM, an automatic Whatsapp message is sent through Superchat to the new candidate to set up personal communication. This can be done alongside other automated messages that are sent out to candidates when new leads are registered in the CRM, which is a common use case we see with recruitment agencies that are our customers.
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